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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 20 of 29 results in 2 pages.
Publication cover
April 2023 |
  • Luzuriaga, María José

This article analyses the privatization processes that have been implemented in the health systems of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia. It...

Publication cover
August 2004 |
  • Zegarra Méndez, Eduardo

This article examines the unsuccessful attempts made in the 1990s to introduce a market for water in Peru. This reform was thwarted because market...

Publication cover
August 2004 |
  • Zegarra Méndez, Eduardo

En este artículo se examinan los intentos fallidos de introducir el
mercado de aguas en Perú, en la década de 1990. Esta reforma fue

Publication cover
August 2003 |
  • Stiglitz, Joseph E.

En el artículo se esboza una nueva agenda para las reformas,
que se concentra en lo que los países latinoamericanos pueden
hacer en el...

Publication cover
August 2003 |
  • Stiglitz, Joseph E.

The article outlines a new agenda for reform that focuses on what Latin American countries can do given the current international regime, and...

Publication cover
December 2002 |
  • Estache, Antonio
  • Foster, Vivien
  • Wodon, Quentin

Diez años de reforma de la infraestructura en América Latina puede enseñarnos mucho sobre cómo hacer que las privatizaciones favorezcan a los...

Publication cover
December 2002 |
  • Estache, Antonio
  • Foster, Vivien
  • Wodon, Quentin

Ten years of infrastructure reform in Latin America can teach us a lot about how to make privatization work for the poor. There are macroeconomic...

Publication cover
August 2000 |
  • Hoffmann, Jan

El comercio exterior de un país está estrechamente vinculado
a su ubicación geográfica, los servicios de transporte que cubren

Publication cover
August 2000 |
  • Hoffmann, Jan

The external trade of a country is closely linked with its geographical location, with the transport services that cover the distance to markets,...

Publication cover
April 2000

Latin American railway privatization has achieved significant results, since the situation today is better than if the railways had remained under...

Publication cover
August 1998 |
  • Jouravlev, Andrei
  • Lee, Terence R.

Desde el decenio de 1970, los gobiernos de la región han venido transfiriendo, de una forma u otra, empresas públicas y otras instituciones...

Publication cover
August 1998 |
  • Jouravlev, Andrei
  • Lee, Terence R.

Ever since the 1970s, the governments of the region have been transferring public enterprises and other State institutions to the private sector...

Publication cover
April 1998 |
  • Thomson, Ian

Desde hace casi veinte años el sector transporte terrestre de varios países latinoamericanos ha experimentado cambios institucionales muy...

Publication cover
August 1997 |
  • Ramos, Joseph

América Latina está viviendo un viraje estratégico de vastas proyecciones: desde un desarrollo hacia adentro con fuerte injerencia estatal en la...

Publication cover
December 1995 |
  • Burkhalter, Larry A.

Governments of the ECLAC region have promulgated labour regimes which support port workers' desire for stable wages and job security, isolate...

Publication cover
August 1995 |
  • Sánchez Albavera, Fernando

En este artículo se analizan las principales manifestaciones del proceso de globalización y sus repercusiones en la reestructuración de los...

Publication cover
August 1995 |
  • Solanes, Miguel

América Latina ha seguido la tendencia a privatizar servicios públicos que impera en el mundo,impulsada por diversos factores: una filosofía...

Publication cover
August 1995 |
  • Sánchez Albavera, Fernando

This article analyses the main manifestations of the globalization process and its implications in terms of the restructuring of energy markets....

Publication cover
August 1995 |
  • Solanes, Miguel

Latin America has kept in step with the worldwide trend towards the privatization of public utilities. Its motivation for doing so stems from a...