The third ordinary meeting of the Conference of South American Ministers of Transport, Communications and Public Works was held from 6 to 8...
Publications List
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December 1996
November 1996
November 1996
November 1996
Bajo el título Las reformas sociales en acción" este número de la serie "Políticas Sociales" reúne las ponencias presentadas al...
November 1996
The ninth Inter-American Port and Harbour Conference of the Organization of American States (OAS) was held in Asuncion, Paraguay, from 23 to 27...
October 1996
October 1996
El Cuaderno Estadístico N°23 contiene series de Cuentas nacionales, a precios constantes. Está
dividido en cuatro partes, un anexo y además...
September 1996
This edition of the Bulletin highlights sections of a recent study carried out by the Transport Unit of ECLAC on behalf of the Institute for Latin...
September 1996
En el panorama latinoamericano, Uruguay se destaca por su igualitaria distribución del ingreso, la solidez de
su democracia y su nivel de...
September 1996