In this Demographic Bulletin the population of the 20 countries of Latin America are presented by sex, quinquennial age groups and calendar year...
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Showing 1021 to 1031 of 1031 results in 52 pages.
July 1991
January 1991
In this issue of the Demographic Bulletin the results of the population projections at rural - urban level are presented for separate Latin...
November 1990
July 1990
El presente boletín reúne cuadros estadísticos que proporcionan, por un lado, un panorama cuantitativo de la población total de la región y por...
January 1990
As in previous Bulletins, the population estimates and projections of the 20 countries of Latin America from the year 1950 until 2025 are...
February 1975
Diseno de un modelo sencillo para calcular la historia reproductiva de una mujer que no controla la natalidad, a partir de las funciones...