This edition of the Social Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean, 2024 focuses on the challenges of non-contributory social protection in...
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En este libro se ofrece un revelador análisis sobre el cuidado de largo plazo de las personas mayores. Se examina cómo la CEPAL ha sido pionera en...
En esta edición del Panorama Social de América Latina y el Caribe, 2024 se abordan los desafíos de la protección social no contributiva para...
Addressing inequality fosters an enabling environment for innovation and capacity-building amid technological advancements, leading to economic...
In the 30 years since the World Summit for Social Development held in Copenhagen, inclusive social development has played an increasingly central...
La transformación digital en el mundo tiene implicancias directas en el ámbito de las políticas públicas, incluidas las políticas de desarrollo...
The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean are in the midst of a demographic, epidemiological and nutritional transition, as rates of life...
This report by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is being...
Latin America and the Caribbean is facing a number of development traps that pose significant obstacles to a more productive, inclusive and...
Latin America and the Caribbean is facing a number of development traps that pose significant obstacles to a more productive, inclusive and...
This paper, prepared jointly by the five regional commissions of the United Nations, explores the social and economic challenges and opportunities...
The expansion of non-contributory pension systems in the region has been one of the major milestones in the development of social protection...
El presente documento busca situar el problema de la expansión de la cobertura entre los trabajadores independientes —una población con altos...
En este documento se examinan el estado actual y los desafíos del sistema de pensiones en la República Dominicana, centrándose en la...
In this accessible version of the Social Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean addresses the challenges of labour inclusion as a key axis...
In this book, those who search for an equitable and sustainable future will find a valuable collection of methodological proposals, case analyses...
In this book, those who search for an equitable and sustainable future will find a valuable collection of methodological proposals, case analyses...
Social protection programmes have become an effective and indispensable tool for improving the living standards of the poor and vulnerable. This...
Social protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean face multiple challenges to enhance their universality, comprehensiveness,...