El presente estudio tiene como fin conocer los avances en materia de leyes y de política pública a partir de la firma de los Acuerdos de...
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Showing 101 to 120 of 143 results in 8 pages.
December 2015
October 2015
The Caribbean sub-regional synthesis report, covering 12 countries, assesses progress towards the gender equality goals articulated in the 1995...
June 2010
The document What kind of State? What kind of equality? analyses the progress of gender equality in the region 15 years after the approval of the...
December 2009
En este artículo se propone una forma de llevar a la práctica las contribuciones analíticas de Amartya Sen sobre las capacidades (capabilities)...
December 2009
The purpose of this study is to examine gender wage gaps in Chileusing a new database, the Social Protection Survey (EPS); 2002-2006,which makes...
April 2005
In its work in assisting member countries in meeting international commitments to the application of thorough gender analysis in formulating...
March 2004
November 1998
November 1998
August 1998
July 1998