The world is going through a period of change. Volatile economic growth, climate change, the technological revolution, migration and the...
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Almost four years after the international community adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (...
La intensificación de la movilidad humana ha alcanzado su máxima expresión en el considerado como el mayor corredor migratorio del mundo, es decir...
A key pre-requisite for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is accessible and inclusive quality education (SDG 4). Research has shown that...
A large part of disparities in Latin America derive from inequalities of opportunities in access and continuation to education. Public support to...
Diverse social programmes —including conditional cash transfer programmes, labour and production inclusion programmes and social pensions— are...
This twentieth issue of the joint ECLAC/ILO report analyses a specific issue that is extremely relevant to the relationship between new...
Este documento se basa en las ponencias y comentarios de los expertos que participaron en el seminario regional Minería para un Futuro bajo en...
Esta investigación está dirigida a precisar los componentes clave del derecho al mínimo vital a partir de la sistematización de los fundamentos...
Fiscal consolidation continued in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2018. The fiscal position in Latin America improved, reflecting cuts in...
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of the twentyfirst century given its global causes and consequences and the scale of the...
The Social Panorama of Latin America 2018 analyzes issues crucial to understanding and action given the structural challenges facing the countries...
El objetivo de esta investigación es visibilizar los efectos del racismo en términos de desigualdad en los pueblos indígenas y proponer contenidos...
El principal objetivo de este estudio es ofrecer una síntesis de los valores del Costo Social del Carbono (CSC) para la construcción de políticas...