This edition of the FAL Bulletin aims to help industry and policy makers see and embrace the direct link between sustainability and efficiency, so...
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This FAL Bulletin highlights the importance of rivers in the transport system of South America. Raising the issue of river mobility and...
This issue of the FAL Bulletin describes how metro and railway systems contribute to sustainable mobility, looking at some of the current...
This FAL bulletin analyzes data for commodities traded and transportation used between nine South American countries, during the years 2000, 2006...
This issue of the FAL Bulletin examines road safety performance in Latin America and the Caribbean between 2000 and 2010. It also sets
This FAL Bulletin examines the role of logistical security and facilitation in the competitiveness of Latin America and the Caribbean.
This issue of the FAL Bulletin
examines the scale of maritime reefer trade in South America and the developments made in this area since the...
La seguridad de la cadena logística es un tema central para la competitividad de las economías latinoamericanas que va más allá de la prevención...
This issue of the FAL Bulletin summarizes the main outcomes of a regional workshop held in Costa Rica in November 2012 that
brought together...
This FAL Bulletin discusses the challenges involved in creating equality in urban mobility and the need to reach towards a social sustainability...
La publicación Perspectivas económicas de América Latina es el análisis anual del Centro de Desarrollo de la OCDE sobre la evolución económica de...
Analyses how the bicycle has evolved as a form of transport and
outlines a bicycle traffic scheme. It provides examples showing that...
This issue of the
FAL bulletin focuses on the
problems which public institutions encounter
when formulating transport policies...
FAL bulletin
reviews changes in water
transport supply and demand in three markets:
containers, dry bulk and liquid...
This issue of the
FAL bulletin
reviews the
changing global economic environment for
the countries of Latin American and...
The principal objective of this issue of the FAL Bulletin is to look at investments made
in the Spanish port system between 1993 and 2010 in...
Centrado en la relación entre el capital de infraestructura y la equidad distributiva, el objetivo del presente estudio es sistematizar, describir...
This issue of the FAL bulletin describes the
Metrobús line which recently started operating
in Buenos Aires and provides a preliminary...
El compromiso de reducción de la pobreza asumido en 2000 representantes de 189 Estados se orienta al cumplimiento, en 2015, de llamados Objetivos...
This issue of the FAL Bulletin examines
the implications of road safety for
the health-care system. It focuses on
the economic...