This FAL Bulletin discusses the concepts that are considered central to infrastructure resilience, and identifies the main challenges in making...
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Technological change and employment in Latin America: opportunities and challenges / Jürgen Weller .-- A comparative analysis of medicine prices...
This paper analyses the effects of changes in maritime container transport, unemployment levels, competitiveness and trade agreements on the per...
En este documento se presenta información relevante de la industria eléctrica de los ocho países que conforman el Sistema de la Integración...
This FAL Bulletin pursues two objectives. The first is to share information and a few reflections about the IMO 2020 Regulation. To that end, it...
China’s investments are one way for expanding infrastructure that many Latin American countries have been seeking through Public-Private...
El presente estudio guarda una estrecha relación con algunos problemas estructurales para el desarrollo, en particular con la inversión en...
The Government of Saint Lucia continues to take a strategic approach to the development of the energy sector and to this end, in 2010 elaborated a...
The Energy Division of the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of Barbados developed a database that allows for analysis of energy efficiency...
El presente trabajo explora los principales temas relacionados con la movilidad y el género, dando continuidad a una serie de trabajos...
Este estudo analisa quais alterações nos instrumentos financeiros são recomendadas ou foram feitas para viabilizar uma expansão dos investimentos...
La pronunciada desaceleración que ha sufrido el comercio mundial de bienes en esta década, y que se ha profundizado desde fines de 2018 por la...
This report was prepared by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Office for the High Representative for...
The global trade performance in 2019 was the worst since the international financial crisis. This edition of International Trade Outlook for Latin...
The Brazilian energy sector has reached a preeminent point in its history and has the potential to transform the livelihoods of thousands through...
This FAL Bulletin analyses air transport infrastructure in the region and examines the characteristics of the main projects to expand airport...
This FAL Bulletin analyses the role of logistics in production, distribution and trade in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Este documento presenta información de la producción de energía eléctrica, con datos estadísticos preliminares de 2018, de los ocho países que...
El proyecto de integración centroamericana empezó en 1951 de la mano de las propuestas intelectuales y el apoyo técnico de la Comisión Económica...
This article reviews the trend of investment in Chile and its relationship with economic growth since the 1973 coup d’état; and it documents how...