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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 81 to 100 of 120 results in 6 pages.
Publication cover
February 2007 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

Latin American markets had another good year in 2006. The liquidity environment remained supportive, credit quality continued to improve, and...

Publication cover
December 2006 |

This year’s edition of the Economic Survey of Latin
America and the Caribbean is the fifty-eighth in the
series. It is divided into...

Publication cover
December 2006 |
  • Aldunate, Eduardo
  • Martner Fanta, Ricardo

The inadequacies of social protection in Latin America and the Caribbean reveal a clear need for more active fiscal policies in this area....

Publication cover
July 2006 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadísticas

The 2005 edition of the Statistical Yearbook for Latin
America and the Caribbean introduces a series of important
modifi cations, both...

Publication cover
December 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Buenos Aires

Si bien la deuda externa no suele ocupar un lugar central en el análisis económico convencional, su peso ha sido tan significativo en la evolución...

Publication cover
December 2005 |

This year's edition of the Economic survey of Latin America and the Caribbeanis the fifty-seventh in this series. It is divided into two...

Publication cover
May 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México

En este documento se analiza la reforma institucional reciente en el ámbito monetario de Cuba que prohíbe la circulación del dólar...

Publication cover
April 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadística y Proyecciones Económicas

The 2004 edition of the Statistical Yearbook for Latin
America and the Caribbean contains a selection of the
main statistical series...

Publication cover
November 2004 |

This year's Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean is the fifty-sixth edition in this series. It is divided into two parts. The...

Publication cover
October 2004 |

Resumen La Conferencia Internacional sobre la Financiación para el Desarrollo, celebrada en Monterrey entre el 18 y el 22 de marzo del 2002,...

Publication cover
June 2004 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadística y Proyecciones Económicas

The 2003 edition of the Statistical Yearbook for Latin
America and the Caribbean contains a selection,
updated to the end of December...

Publication cover
December 2003 |
  • Herman, Barry

From November 2001 to April 2003, the International
Monetary Fund grappled with a radical proposal, the
Sovereign Debt Restructuring...

Publication cover
December 2003 |
  • Arenas de Mesa, Alberto
  • Guzmán Cox, Julio

Stable development and financing of the social protection
system, one of the priorities of fiscal policy in Chile over
recent years,...

Publication cover
December 2003 |
  • Herman, Barry

Desde noviembre de 2001 hasta abril de 2003 el Fondo Monetario
Internacional (FMI); debatió una propuesta radical para
manejar la...

Publication cover
December 2003 |
Publication cover
August 2003 |
  • Sojo, Ana

La profundidad y magnitud del riesgo social y económico en
América Latina exigen, entre otras medidas, políticas de aseguramiento.

Publication cover
August 2003 |
  • Sojo, Ana

Insurance policies are required, along with other measures, to deal with the magnitude and depth of social and economic risk in Latin America. The...

Publication cover
April 2003 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadísticas

The 2002 edition of the Statistical Yearbook for Latin
America and the Caribbean contains a selection, updated
to the end of December...

Publication cover
December 2002 |
  • Velloso, Helvia
  • Bustillo, Inés

Este artículo examina de qué manera los títulos de deuda latinoamericanos se vieron afectados,en el comportamiento de sus márgenes, por las...

Publication cover
December 2002 |
  • Velloso, Helvia
  • Bustillo, Inés

This article analyses the way in which Latin American bond spreads were affected by the changes in United States interest rates in the second half...