The present Demographic Bulletin contains infomation on indigenous, which was obtained mainly from the publications of national population...
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Showing 2541 to 2560 of 2570 results in 129 pages.
July 1992
May 1992
January 1992
This Bulletin presents estimations and projections of the economically active population for all the 20 countries in Latin America. The...
July 1991
In this Demographic Bulletin the population of the 20 countries of Latin America are presented by sex, quinquennial age groups and calendar year...
June 1991
Origen y destino del comercio exterior de los países de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración
El Cuaderno Estadístico de la CEPAL No. 16 contiene series estadísticas de la estructura de las exportaciones e importaciones según secciones de...
June 1991
El Cuaderno Estadístico de la CEPAL No.15 presenta series que se refieren al origen del producto interno bruto por clase de actividad económica, a...
January 1991
In this issue of the Demographic Bulletin the results of the population projections at rural - urban level are presented for separate Latin...
December 1990