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The Centre for the Facilitation of Procedures and Practices in Administration, Commerce and Transport (CEFACT) constitutes a partnership between...
The present issue, like the one that appeared 30 years ago, is devoted to population estimates and projections by sex and age group for the 20...
The year 1998 is shaping up to be a year of grand regional initiatives focusing on the setting up of regional integrated transport systems. The...
Este artículo tiene por objetivo describir y analizar la formulación, ejecución y resultados de la política macroeconómica llevada a cabo por el...
En América Latina, las fluctuaciones macroeconómicas han sido en las últimas décadas más frecuentes y de mayor magnitud que en otras latitudes,...
La inminente extensión de la Unión Europea hacia el este ha reavivado la inquietud en América Latina por la posibilidad de un mayor aislacionismo...
La ecoindustria, que abarca una amplia variedad de productos y servicios relacionados con el monitoreo, tratamiento, control y gestión de la...
Desde hace casi veinte años el sector transporte terrestre de varios países latinoamericanos ha experimentado cambios institucionales muy...
En el presente artículo se analiza la relación entre los Principios de Dublín de 1992, la planificación integrada del agua y la legislación...
This article aims to describe and analyse the formulation, implementation and results of the macroeconomic policy carried out by the Central Bank...
In Latin America, macroeconomic fluctuations have been more frequent and more serious in recent decades than in other parts of the world, and this...
International experience shows that costfree replication and adoption of industrial best practices on a universal basis is a misconception....
The pending widening of the European Union to the East has revived concerns in Latin America that Europe may become more inwardlooking. However,...
The environment industry, which includes a wide range of products and services relating to the monitoring, treatment, control and management of...
This article analyses the relation between the 1992 Dublin Principles, integrated water planning, and water law. The Dublin Principles were an...
This edition of the FAL Bulletin deals with maritime transport in the Caribbean and focuses on structural changes in liner shipping and its impact...
The first Latin American meeting of bodies responsible for the supervision, control and regulation of land transport, organized jointly by the...