This article analyses the key determinants of enterprise profitability in Ecuador’s crop-growing sector in 2007–2017. It presents data showing...
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This article seeks to draw connections between Fernando Fajnzylber’s approach and certain elements of the neo-Schumpeterian systemic approach to...
This paper explores the effect of uncertainty on economic growth in Latin American from 1960 to 2016. Uncertainty is found to be positively...
The different fluctuations recorded in the balance of payments of emerging economies reflect the vulnerability of these economies, dependent as...
Latin American economies need higher productivity to escape from the middle-income trap. This article analyses the drivers of innovation at the...
In 2020 the entire world was overwhelmed by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, which changed the daily lives of people around the globe...
El informe Coyuntura Laboral en la Argentina es una publicación semestral elaborada en forma conjunta por la Oficina de la Comisión Económica para...
As a consequence of mobility restrictions aimed at containing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infections, several national statistical offices (...
El Boletín de Comercio Exterior del MERCOSUR analiza la dinámica comercial del Mercado Común del Sur, combinando las perspectivas coyuntural y...
This edition of the Demographic Observatory analyses the impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on the population and housing censuses of...
There were signs of a partial recovery in the labour markets and economies of Latin America and the Caribbean during 2021, in the wake of the...
Energy is central to addressing almost every major challenge and opportunity in the region, whether it be reducing poverty, producing and cooking...
In 2021, Latin America and the Caribbean saw an increase in the prices of the main export commodities, mainly as a result of the recovery in...