En este documento se destaca la importancia de disminuir la heterogeneidad en materia de regulación de bioinsumos; articular los instrumentos de...
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With the object of summarizing the available knowledge about the health and well-being of older persons in the Region of the Americas at the start...
La concentración territorial de la inversión y los recursos humanos en ciencia y tecnología constituye una arista particular de las desigualdades...
Social protection was extensively discussed at the 1995 World Summit for Social Development. Over 75 years, the Economic Commission for Latin...
Seventy-five years after the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) was founded, reducing the concentration of income and...
Latin America and the Caribbean set out to achieve regional integration. However, sixty years on from the launch of the first major regional...
Education is fundamental to the achievement of inclusive and sustainable economic and social development and more just and cohesive societies....
In Latin America and the Caribbean, where every country is a country of origin, destination, return or transit, international migration is...
Climate crises will adversely impact the already weak and volatile growth of Latin American and Caribbean countries and significant public and...
The Latin America and Caribbean region is mired in three development traps: a long-term inability to grow, high inequality, and low institutional...
This article presents an analysis of globalization since the 2008 global crisis. Amid sluggish growth and weakened global trade in goods relative...
Latin America and the Caribbean have a structural low-growth problem, which is explained largely by the fact that productivity has not increased,...
Environmental sustainability is a key determinant of the viability of development. Latin America and the Caribbean is imitating a global pattern...
This article reviews the conceptual contributions of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to the understanding of...
Este documento proporciona una visión regional de las experiencias de los operadores urbanos en cinco importantes ciudades de América Latina y el...
The 2023 edition of the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, its seventy-fifth issue, consists of three parts. Part I outlines the...