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Mostrando 41 a 50 de 214 resultados en 22 páginas.
  • December 2019 | CEPAL Review

    Competitiveness and its determinants: a systemic analysis for developing countries / Victor Medeiros, Lucas Gonçalves Godoi and Evandro Camargos Teixeira .-- The gross domestic product (GDP) shares of the agriculture sector and the hydrocarbon and mining sector in the countries of South America between 1960 and 2014 / Pedro Henrique de Abreu Paiva and Carlos José Caetano Bacha .-- Green jobs in Argentina: opportunities to move forward with the environmental and social agenda / Christoph Ernst, Ana Sofía Rojo Brizuela and Daniele Epifanio .-- Income elasticities and inequality of poverty in

  • December 2019 | Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean

    This edition of the Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean is released amid an extremely complex economic and social context for the region. Latin America is showing a synchronized economic slowdown at the country and sector levels. In contrast to previous years, in 2019 growth in economic activity is slowing in 18 of the 20 countries of Latin America, and in 23 of the 33 countries of the Latin American and Caribbean region as a whole.

  • October 2019 | ECLAC Methodologies

    For over three decades, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has performed measurements of poverty in the Latin American countries in order to estimate its prevalence in the region using a common methodology. Economic and social changes have prompted an update of the thresholds used to quantify poverty and a review of certain aspects of the methodology.

  • October 2019 | International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean

    The global trade performance in 2019 was the worst since the international financial crisis. This edition of International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean analyses that performance, as well as the mounting trade tensions and their repercussions for the region’s own trade.

  • October 2019 | ECLAC books

    Los sistemas de pensiones se han ubicado en el centro del debate sobre la protección social y, debido a los elevados compromisos de gasto público que generan, son también un eje fundamental de la política fiscal en la región. En la actualidad, cerca de 50 millones de personas en América Latina tienen 65 años o más; en 2065, alrededor de 200 millones de personas conformarán dicho grupo etario, lo que consolidará a los sistemas de pensiones como una de las principales fuentes de gasto público y uno de los ejes más importantes de las políticas de protección social.

  • September 2019 | ECLAC books

    La producción intelectual de la CEPAL en sus 70 años de existencia ha sido vasta en distintos ámbitos del desarrollo. En este libro se analizan y contextualizan los principales hitos e ideas del pensamiento económico de la CEPAL sobre recursos naturales, medio ambiente y sostenibilidad, organizados en las dos grandes etapas que han caracterizado la vida institucional: la estructuralista (1948-1990) y la neoestructuralista (de 1990 en adelante).

  • August 2019 | CEPAL Review

    Monetary regimes and labour institutions: an alternative interpretation of the downward trend in exchange-rate pass-through in peripheral countries / Martín Cherkasky and Martín Abeles . -- Models of the developmental state / Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira .-- The development of venture capital in Latin America and the Caribbean: a comparative perspective / Ernesto H. Stein and Rodrigo A.

  • August 2019 | ECLAC books

    El escenario principal de los análisis que se presentan en este libro es el contexto regional que tuvo lugar desde inicios de siglo, cuando comenzó un ciclo de bonanza de precios y rentas provenientes de los recursos naturales, hasta su final, unos pocos años atrás. Se trató de una bonanza que, contrariamente a lo deseable, no se tradujo en un proceso virtuoso de transformación productiva y de cambio hacia la igualdad, lo que mostró la existencia de dilemas en materia de la gobernanza de los recursos naturales.

  • August 2019 | Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean

    This ECLAC annual report sets out and analyses the main foreign direct investment (FDI) trends in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. In the region, FDI inflows were up (by 13.2%) year on year for the first time in five years, at US$ 184.287 billion. This performance is explained by higher flows into just a few countries, however, mainly Brazil and Mexico. Moreover, it does not reflect equity investment, but higher inflows in the form of intercompany loans and, to a lesser extent, reinvestment of earnings.

  • July 2019 | Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean

    The 2019 edition of the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean consists of three parts. Part I outlines the region’s economic performance in 2018 and analyses trends in the early months of 2019, as well as the outlook for the rest of the year. It examines the external and domestic factors that have influenced the region’s economic performance, analyses the characteristics of economic growth, prices and the labour market.
