Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean is a subsidiary body of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the main regional intergovernmental forum within the United Nations system focused on women's rights and gender equality.

It is organized by ECLAC, as the Secretariat of the Conference, and since 2020, in coordination with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). The conference brings together governments, civil society organizations, particularly women’s and feminist movements, academia, intergovernmental organizations, cooperation agencies, as well as the United Nations system.

For 47 years, during the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC member States have agreed on a profound, progressive, and comprehensive Regional Gender Agenda, positioning the region as the only one globally with a roadmap to achieve gender equality, guarantee the rights of women, adolescent girls, and girls in all their diversity, ensuring their autonomy, and promoting sustainable development in the region.


A Path Towards The Care Society

  • At the XV Regional Conference, held in Buenos Aires in November 2022, ECLAC member States approved the Buenos Aires Commitment, an intergovernmental agreement that encourages States to transition towards the care society as a new development model focused on the sustainability of life and the planet. The Regional Gender Agenda reaffirms the importance of considering care not only as a growing demand but also as work, a right, and an economic sector that drives growth.

Next Meeting: Mexico 2025

  • The XVI Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, to be held in Mexico in 2025, will address the theme "Transformations in the Political, Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Spheres to Promote the Care Society and Gender Equality."

This meeting reaffirms the region's commitment to advancing the care society and achieving gender equality and women's autonomy through ambitious and urgent solutions, fostering a more productive, inclusive, and sustainable future.



What is the Regional Conference on Women



Infografía sobre cifras de feminicidio.


En promedio, al menos 12 mujeres son asesinadas diariamente en la región por el hecho de ser mujeres. Los feminicidios ocasionados en el ámbito de las relaciones de pareja constituyen la forma más…

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División de Asuntos de Género



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Thirtieth anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in Latin American and the Caribbean (Beijing+30

The thirtieth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995) and the approval of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action will be commemorated in 2025. This commemoration is an opportunity to reinforce the actions envisaged in the Beijing Platform for Action, and to ensure they are included in the implementation of other global commitments, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, among others.

Buenos Aires Commitment

Estrategia de Montevideo

La Estrategia de Montevideo pretende desatar los nudos estructurales de la desigualdad de género en la región

Conference Document:

The care society: A horizon for sustainable recovery with gender equality

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Subsidiary body

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