3 January 2025 | Briefing note
United States Trade Developments 2024 provides an overview of selected developments in United States trade relations with Latin America and the Caribbean. Following the global focus on the climate crisis and the specific emphasis on President Biden’s trade policy on advancing a sustainable environment and climate path, the report includes a section on trade in circular economy goods.
13 November 2023 | Briefing note
Latin America and the Caribbean accounted for 22% of U.S. foreign trade in the first half of 2023, according to the recent document United States – Latin America and the Caribbean Trade Developments 2023 published by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
11 January 2023 | Briefing note
In the United States, total trade in goods and services rebounded in 2021 to its pre-pandemic levels. In 2022, trade in goods sustained the recovery that started in 2021, but the trade in services has not fully recovered as significant services industries such as travel, and transport are still facing the lingering effects of the pandemic.
22 November 2022 | Briefing note
Modern services —digitally delivered services such as computer, financial and business services— have been the most dynamic category of international trade in the past decade. However, Latin America and the Caribbean is still a marginal player in global trade in modern services.
27 July 2022 | Briefing note
29 de September de 2021 | Briefing note
La CEPAL participa en panel “Incidencia y rendición de cuentas: ¿quiénes participan en la mesa de negociaciones comerciales?” en el Foro sobre Género y Desarrollo que se lleva a cabo en el marco de la Decimoquinta sesión de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD 15)
23 May 2017 | Briefing note
The 6th Regional Meeting is organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) with the collaboration of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and Universidad del Pacífico and will be held in Lima, Peru, November 7 and 8, 2017.
28 November 2016 | Briefing note
The balance struck in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on intellectual property (patent and data exclusivity) protection for pharmaceutical products