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Hidden Treasures – Documents about Fiscal Policy

16 March 2016|Briefing note

Selection of documents available in the ECLAC Digital Repository regarding Fiscal Policy in the Region.

Selection of historical documents available in the Digital Repository corresponding to studies conducted by ECLAC in relation to tax policy and economic development. Some studies can appreciate the tax structure of the countries and some considerations about the type of improvement of tax systems to help drive programs and economic development policies.

  • La política tributaria y el desarrollo económico en Centroamérica (1956)


  • Las tareas de la política fiscal y tributaria a la luz de los problemas del desarrollo de América Latina (1972)


  • Agenda de política fiscal para países semiindustrializados de Latinoamérica (1979)


  • Política fiscal como instrumento para modificar la distribución del ingreso: una aproximación metodológica (1981)


  • El pacto fiscal: fortalezas, debilidades, desafíos: síntesis = The fiscal covenant: strengths, weaknesses, challenges:  summary (1998)


These and other documents about fiscal policy can be found in the ECLAC Digital Repository ... 37,000 documents and publications, from 1948 onwards, in one place.

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