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ECLAC makes presentation on public participation in the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals

29 January 2016|Briefing note

In the framework of the 15th Annual Session of the Canada-Chile Commission for Environmental Cooperation, held in Santiago on 28 and 29 January 2016, at the request of the Government of Chile, ECLAC delivered the keynote address in the public session entitled: “2030 Agenda: the role of civil society in the Sustainable Development Goals”.


Foto: Cortesía del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente de Chile.

In the framework of the 15th Annual Session of the Canada-Chile Commission for Environmental Cooperation, held in Santiago on 28 and 29 January 2016, at the request of the Government of Chile, ECLAC delivered the keynote address in the public session entitled: “2030 Agenda: the role of civil society in the Sustainable Development Goals”.

In its presentation, ECLAC recalled the growing role played by civil society over time in the dicussion, drafting and implementation of the different United Nations sustainable development agendas and highlighted the recent negotiation of the Sustainable Development Goals and their future implementation, review and follow-up.

In addition, it emphasized the synergies between the current UN Sustainable Development Agenda and the negotiation process of the regional agreement on access to information, public participation and access to justice (Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration).