Press Release
To access the Database you must go to the following link: CEPALSTAT, then select Demographic and Social / Demographic / Maternity (Demográficos y sociales / Demográficos / Maternidad), as shown in the attached image.
enerating a standardized marital status variable was particularly challenging in the Caribbean due to the cultural specificities of unions and marital relations in the sub region, as well as the richness (and complexity, if one wishes) of census questionnaires to capture these specificities. In Latin American censuses, a single question is usually used to capture this variable, and in exceptional cases two questions are used. On the other hand, in the Caribbean, because of a greater frequency of various modes of a union (such as a "visiting" union, non-cohabiting couples, or couples separated by migration of a partner), censuses usually have three or up to four questions. The metadata identifies how the different categories of marital status and union were generated, which was attempted to be applied in a standardized way to all the countries included in the update. In fact, more than one categorization option is presented to facilitate comparisons and also to allow intertemporal comparability of each country.
Within this year, more updates of MATERNILAC-Caribbean are expected, relating to both the inclusion of new countries that have sent their census micro data, and incorporating tables with the educational level variable (whose elaboration is still ongoing).