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31 January 2024 | Infographic
This infographic from Study 110 explores the role of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) in driving sustainable development in the Caribbean. While STI is recognized as crucial for progress, the study finds that many Caribbean nations have yet to prioritize it, and existing policies remain underdeveloped. The current driver of change in the region is renewable energy, influenced by factors such as reliance on expensive imported fossil fuels, falling costs of renewable energy technologies, and international commitments to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To foster STI advancement, the study recommends promoting an STI culture, enhancing institutional support, increasing funding, integrating STI into education, and encouraging collaboration between governments, private sectors, and research institutions.
7 July 2020 | Infographic
The path ahead – resignation or action?
2 May 2018 | Infographic
In 2018, ECLAC will hold its 37th session in Cuba, in which representatives from its 46 member-States and 13 associate members will debate the main challenges for implementing the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean.
7 de April de 2017 | Infographic
Esta infografía resalta los principales hitos del proceso de construcción de la Agenda Digital para América Latina y el Caribe (eLAC2018).
7 de April de 2017 | Infographic
La CEPAL impulsa la creación de un mercado digital regional en América Latina y el Caribe para apuntalar el crecimiento y la productividad, aprovechando las economías de escala.