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Showing 801 to 820 of 821 results in 42 pages.
30 June 2004 | Speech
Statement by José Luis Machinea, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean at the Opening Meeting of the Thirtieth Session of the Commission
28 June 2004 | Speech
Discurso del Señor José Luis Machinea, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL
28 June 2004 | Speech
Statement by Mr. José Luis Machinea, Executive Secretary of ECLAC
22 June 2004 | Press Release
The Commission will present the document Productive Development in the Open Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean
23 April 2004 | News
Regional forum, organized by ECLAC, to focus on human settlements, water and sanitation.
24 de October de 2003 | Press Release
La reunión es convocada por el Gobierno de Brasil y será organizada por la CEPAL.
4 August 2003 | Press Release
On the occasion of the Third Raúl Prebisch Memorial Lecture Series, nextFriday 8 August 2003 the former president of Brazil, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, will deliver a magisterial lecture entitled Beyond the economy: interactions between policy and economic development, at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
22 August 2002 | Press Release
The lecture will take place at 11:00 am in the Raúl Prebisch Room at ECLAC (Av. Dag Hammarskjöld s/n, Vitacura, Santiago) and will be chaired by the Executive Secretary of this Regional Commission of the United Nations, José Antonio Ocampo.
positive agenda
10 May 2002 | News
10 May 2002 | Press Release
10 May 2002 | Press Release
9 May 2002 | Speech
Speech by Fernando Henrique Cardoso, President of Brazil, at the opening of the Twenty-ninth session of ECLACL
9 May 2002 | Speech
Speech by José Antonio Ocampo, Executive Secretary of ECLAC
6 May 2002 | Speech
Words by Ambassador Clodoaldo Hugueney Filho, Under-Secretary of Integration, Economic and Foreign Trade Affairs of Brazil, at the opening of the technical phase of the Twenty-ninth session of ECLAC (in Portuguese).
6 May 2002 | Speech
Speech by José Antonio Ocampo, Executive Secretary of ECLAC
5 May 2002 | Press Release
25 de April de 2002 | Press Release