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5 December 2024 | Press Release
Today the Sixty-sixth Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean came to a close at ECLAC’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
4 December 2024 | Press Release
The Sixty-sixth Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean is taking place on December 4-5 at ECLAC’s headquarters in Chile.
22 de November de 2024 | Infographic
En 2023, al menos 11 mujeres fueron asesinadas cada día por razones de género en América Latina y el Caribe. Esta cifra muestra que, a 30 años de la Declaración de Acción y Plataforma de Beijing y de la Convención Belém do Pará y los avances normativos desarrollados por los países, el feminicidio sigue presente en la región y es la expresión extrema de los patrones patriarcales y violentos. El documento recoge los últimos datos informados por organismos oficiales al Observatorio de Igualdad de Género de América Latina y el Caribe (OIG) y realiza un llamado a la acción para que que los estados redoblen con sentido de urgencia los esfuerzos para cumplir con su deber de debida diligencia en materia de prevención de la violencia por razón de género y actúen con una perspectiva integral sobre las causas y consecuencias vinculadas a la persistencia de la violencia por razón de género.
22 November 2024 | Press Release
ECLAC calls for urgent action to prevent and eliminate gendered violence in the region.
foto de los participantes en el conversatorio
25 April 2024 | News
In addition to adopting a decision to this effect at the third meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the regional treaty (April 22-24, 2024), the topic was analyzed in depth at a dialogue convened by ECLAC and the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs of Mexico.
8 March 2024 | Op-ed
By José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary.
13 December 2023 | Infographic
Child, early and forced marriages and unions are defined as a union in which at least one of the parties is under the age of 18. The overwhelming majority of formal and informal child marriages and unions involve girls, although in some cases their male spouses are also under 18. As stated in the Joint general recommendation No. 31 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women/general comment No. 18 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child on harmful practices, and Human Rights Council resolution 29/8 of 2 July 2015, on strengthening efforts to prevent and eliminate child, early and forced marriage, child marriage is considered a form of forced marriage, as it is practiced without the full, free and informed consent of one or both parties (United Nations, 2015b). The definition used to address this violation of the human rights of children and adolescents includes marriages involving a conjugal union recognized by legal, customary or religious norms, as well as informal conjugal unions.
23 November 2023 | Press Release
Femicidal violence can be prevented with comprehensive and forceful state responses, says the United Nations regional organization, which urges countries to move towards a care society in the region.
Secretario General ONU es recibido por el Secretario Ejecutivo CEPAL
22 November 2023 | News
The global organization’s highest authority urged UN agencies, funds and programs to redouble their efforts on joint work to support the country.
8 March 2023 | Press Release
In most of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, women account for no more than 40% of the student body in STEM majors, a gap the U.N. Commission is emphasizing as part of International Women's Day.
25 November 2022 | Infographic
Violence against women and girls and its most extreme expression, femicide, feminicide, or the gender-related killing of women and girls,1 dramatically bring to light the persistence of the structural challenges of gender inequality and gender-based discrimination and violence against women and girls in Latin America and the Caribbean. The deep historical and structural roots of patriarchal, discriminatory and violent cultural patterns, grounded in a culture of privilege, have proven among the most difficult to dismantle.
24 November 2022 | Press Release
The strategy for urgently addressing this “shadow pandemic” must be based on four pillars: financing, prevention, public response and information systems, the United Nations regional organization underscores.
23 June 2022 | Press Release
Senior authorities, specialists and members of civil society participated in the Special Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which concluded today at ECLAC’s headquarters in Chile.
From left to right: Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta, Minister for Women, Gender and Diversity of Argentina;
4 May 2022 | News
On November 7-11, Argentina will host the region’s main intergovernmental forum on women’s rights and gender equality, the theme of which will be “The care society: a horizon for sustainable recovery with gender equality.” The gathering is organized by ECLAC in coordination with UN Women and the host country.
8 March 2022 | Press Release
Government authorities, international officials and representatives of civil society commemorated International Women’s Day at the regional gathering that is taking place in Costa Rica.
3 February 2022 | News
During the 62nd Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, authorities agreed on preparatory activities for the XV Regional Conference to be held in Argentina in November 2022.
Group photo of the meeting.
27 January 2022 | News
The 62nd Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, organized by ECLAC in coordination with UN Women, concluded today with a call for promoting policies that would foster a transformative recovery with gender equality.
26 January 2022 | Press Release
Ministers of Women’s Affairs and authorities from mechanisms for women’s advancement in Latin America and the Caribbean inaugurated today the 62nd Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women, organized by ECLAC in coordination with UN Women.
Banner of meeting.
24 January 2022 | Announcement
On January 26-27, the 62nd Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean will be held virtually, organized by ECLAC in coordination with UN Women.