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27 November 2007 | Press Release
Expert statisticians meeting in Bogotá, Colombia, will address technological cooperation in census data collection and surveys.
23 November 2007 | Press Release
One of the objectives of the meeting, organized by ECLAC, is to coordinate information efficiently between local sources and international institutions.
13 August 2007 | Press Release
Guest lecturer has held posts at the universities of Buenos Aires, Harvard, Oxford and UC Berkeley, among others, and is the recipient of many awards of scholarly distinction.
9 August 2007 | Press Release
The document reaffirms commitments to ensure women's political participation and recognition of their contribution to the economy and social protection.
7 August 2007 | Press Release
But profound gender inequalities persist in terms of income, social protection and distribution of the workload.
6 August 2007 | Press Release
ECLAC document highlights political participation as a universally-recognized instrument for women's empowerment and gender equity.
6 August 2007 | Press Release
Heads of Women's Ministries and gender-policy authorities from most of the Latin America and Caribbean countries are participating.
27 July 2007 | Press Release
Agreement between ECLAC and Colombia's National Statistics Department (DANE) to promote technical cooperation, strengthen the institutions of Colombia's statistics system, and encourage the use of statistics in the elaboration of public policies.
20 July 2007 | Press Release
Meeting will focus on Millennium Development Goals, Census preparations for 2010, and the institutional strengthening of national statistical offices.
16 de February de 2007 | Press Release
CEPAL analiza mecanismos para crear una solidaridad moderna que pueda recrear el sentido de pertenencia de los ciudadanos
23 August 2006 | Press Release
The former Inter American Development Bank president will speak on the return of the State in development strategies.
21 March 2006 | Press Release
Migration generates benefits from sending and receiving countries. The number of migrants in this region rose to 25 million in 2005.
20 de March de 2006 | Speech
Palabras del Secretario Ejecutivo de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, José Luis Machinea
11 de November de 2005 | Press Release
Organizada conjuntamente por la CEPAL y el Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática de México.
29 August 2005 | Press Release
A distinguished academic and expert in the determinants of growth, Rodrik will speak on diversification of the economy.
29 November 2004 | Press Release
The United Nations' body underlined the importance of countries implementing policies to develop their technological capacities.
1 September 2004 | Press Release
Despite instability, he was optimistic about the prospects for world growth.