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7 de June de 2011 | News
Según el último análisis publicado hoy en el informe bianual de la FAO "Perspectivas alimentarias", el fuerte descenso de las existencias frente a un modesto incremento de la producción general en la mayoría de los cultivos motivarán la permanencia de los precios elevados
7 de June de 2011 | Speech
Por Antonio Prado, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL
Octavo ODM
6 de June de 2011 | News
Nuevo Reporte señala que la evidencia ha puesto de manifiesto la vinculación que se da entre el incremento de las conexiones con internet y el crecimiento económico, especialmente en los países de economías emergentes o en desarrollo.
5 de June de 2011 | News
Según un nuevo reporte del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) lanzado en el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente.
3 June 2011 | Statement
Message by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon.
"AIDS at 30: Nations at the crossroads".
3 de June de 2011 | News
En un informe que repasa los treinta años de lucha contra el virus, ONUSIDA recuerda que unos treinta millones de personas han muerto por esta enfermedad y otros 34 conviven con el virus.
100 session of the Internacional Labour Conference
1 June 2011 | News
The International Labour Organization opens its historic 100th International Labour Conference here on 1 June with a call for a new era of social justice amid high global unemployment and underemployment, and public concern over the employment situation after the recent global financial crisis
1 June 2011 | Press Release
Xi Jinping will talk about the Chinese-Latin American relations. He will be received by Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the Commission.
1 June 2011 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC Executive Secretary, stressed that the State plays a key role in achieving universal access and widespread use of information technologies, especially broadband.
27 May 2011 | News
The Observatory will be an important source of information for the design and monitoring of public policies aimed at universalizing broadband" - these were the worlds of the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Alicia Bárcena, speaking at the ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, Chile, as she opened the third meeting of the Regional Dialogue on the Costs of International Connections and their Impact on Broadband Prices
Quinto ODM
27 de May de 2011 | News
Se aleja la posibilidad de cumplir objetivo de Desarrollo del Milenio
27 May 2011 | Press Release
Marek Belka spoke about measures taken by countries that use the common European currency.
26 de May de 2011 | News
Dirigentes políticos y empresariales del mundo entero presentaron hoy una nueva e importante Alianza Mundial para la Educación de las Niñas y Mujeres en el transcurso de un Foro de Alto Nivel celebrado en la sede de la UNESCO.
23 May 2011 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena gave a lecture on this topic in Buenos Aires, where she also signed a cooperation agreement with the country's Central Bank.
20 May 2011 | Statement
Message by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon.
20 May 2011 | Speech
By Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC
19 May 2011 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena was speaking at the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) and taking part in the celebrations to mark the bicentenary of Uruguay.
19 May 2011 | Press Release
Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, and former European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, took part in the seminar.