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12 September 2011 | Press Release
Agencies of the United Nations presented a document proposing a strategy for the conference which will take place in Brazil in 2012.
9 de September de 2011 | Op-ed
Columna de opinión de Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL (02/09/2011)
8 September 2011 | Press Release
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Guatemala, Haroldo Rodas, presented the award to the organization of the United Nations led by Alicia Bárcena.
7 September 2011 | Press Release
National and international officials and representatives of the civil society will participate in the Regional Meeting Preparatory to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development to be held in Brazil in 2012.
6 de September de 2011 | News
El Primer Encuentro Regional es concebido como el inicio de una estrategia de largo plazo que propicie otros encuentros con agendas más específicas en los próximos años, buscando a la vez consolidar este esfuerzo conjunto de UNICEF, el INEGI y otras instituciones, como un referente en la región para compartir avances y generar nuevos conocimientos.
6 September 2011 | Press Release
The event was led by the Foreign Affairs Minister of El Salvador, Hugo Roger Martínez, and the Executive Secretary of the Commission, Alicia Bárcena
6 de September de 2011 | Speech
Por Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL
5 September 2011 | Press Release
Those present at the meeting, which was organized by ECLAC and the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, discussed improving the coordination between the United Nations and forums such as the G-20.
1 de September de 2011 | Speech
Por Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL
30 de August de 2011 | News
La Organización Mundial de la Salud y Save the Children publican las estimaciones de mortalidad neonatal más completas obtenidas hasta la fecha y exhortan a que se actúe para reducir las muertes de recién nacidos
30 de August de 2011 | Fact sheet
South-South exchange is the principal driving force of global trade (in Spanish)
30 August 2011 | Press Release
The organization warns that economic slowdown in industrialized countries could affect trade in emerging nations over the next months.
30 de August de 2011 | Speech
Por Antonio Prado, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL
30 August 2011 | Press Release
The economic and trade implications of global uncertainty are examined in the "Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy 2010-2011".
26 August 2011 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena took part in the Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation held in Buenos Aires.
25 August 2011 | Press Release
Latin America and the Caribbean could receive up to 1.2% of regional GDP by implementing such a tax.
23 August 2011 | Speech
By Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC
22 de August de 2011 | News
En inauguración de exposición fotográfica destinada a mejorar la comprensión del público sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio
19 August 2011 | Statement
Message by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon.