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9 January 2012 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC, presented the book The Life and Times of Raúl Prebisch 1901-1986, by the researcher Edgar J. Dosman.
6 January 2012 | Press Release
Almost 6.5 million children in Latin America and the Caribbean are not registered at civil registries in their countries.
4 January 2012 | Press Release
Delegates agreed to work towards an international convention on the human rights of older persons.
4 January 2012 | Press Release
Publication provides facts, for example, on the decline in fertility and increase in unemployment among women.
29 December 2011 | Press Release
Organization warns that if the situation in the Eurozone gets worse, the international context could deteriorate.
19 December 2011 | Statement
Message by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon.
13 December 2011 | Press Release
Publication presents the latest estimates for economic growth in the countries of the region in 2011.
9 December 2011 | Statement
Message by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon.
5 December 2011 | Press Release
Asian country receives only 0.9% of the region's exports, but there is significant potential for increasing the exchange of goods and services.
2 December 2011 | Statement
Message by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon.
1 December 2011 | Statement
Message by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon.
30 November 2011 | Press Release
Ministers from 19 countries meet at ECLAC to examine women's economic autonomy and policies on time-use.
29 November 2011 | Fact sheet
Gráfico sobre la evolución de la pobreza y de la indigencia en América Latina durante el periodo 1980-2011
29 November 2011 | Press Release
The Organization predicts that the region will close this year with three million people less living in poverty.
25 November 2011 | Statement
Message by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon.
24 November 2011 | Press Release
The Executive Secretary of the Organization, Alicia Bárcena, will present the flagship publication which shows the latest poverty and indigence figures and examines various social gaps which exist in the region.
22 November 2011 | Press Release
Both organizations agreed to implement a cooperation programme which promotes low carbon economic growth and social equality in Latin America and the Caribbean.
22 November 2011 | Press Release
During a high-level event, Alicia Bárcena highlighted the ECLAC @LIS2 Programme, which promotes an inclusive information society in Latin America, as a successful example of the new form of cooperation needed between both regions.
17 November 2011 | Press Release
Representatives of organizations in Chile pay tribute to the former Secretary-General of the United Nations 50 years since his death.