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Showing 141 to 160 of 299 results in 15 pages.
Banner International Trade Outlook 2020
18 January 2021 | Announcement
The annual report entitled “International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2020” will be unveiled during a virtual press conference by the United Nations organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, on Friday, January 22.
banner inglés
11 January 2021 | Announcement
On Wednesday, January 13, the Fourth Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean will take place, in the framework of the XII Ministerial Forum for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean co-organized with UNDP.
Seminario Escuela Latinoamericana de Estudios del Desarrollo
8 January 2021 | Announcement
The event will take place virtually on Monday, January 11 and will feature the participation of ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena.
Banner media advisory Preliminary Overview 2020 ENG
11 December 2020 | Announcement
The annual report “Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean 2020” will be released during a virtual press conference offered by the United Nations organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, on Wednesday, December 16.
Banner second meeting signatory countries Escazú Agreement
4 December 2020 | Announcement
The gathering will be held virtually under the auspices of the Government of Antigua and Barbuda. Representatives from the 24 Latin American and Caribbean nations that have signed the regional treaty thus far will attend.
Banner launch of FDI 2020 report
30 November 2020 | Announcement
The annual report will be released at a virtual press conference this Wednesday, December 2, by the United Nations regional organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena.
20 November 2020 | Announcement
The meeting, organized by ECLAC and the Government of Ecuador, will take place virtually from Monday, November 23 to Thursday, November 26, 2020.
Meeting banner.
10 November 2020 | Announcement
The twenty-eighth meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Council for Planning of ECLAC’s Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) will take place virtually on November 12.
Banner ECLAC-ILO report November 2020
6 November 2020 | Announcement
The joint publication will be presented virtually on Tuesday, November 10 at a simultaneous press conference held by ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, and the ILO’s Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Vinícius Pinheiro.
Postcard opening ceremony PSES 38 ENG
23 October 2020 | Announcement
On this occasion, the regional commission will present its new development proposal for a transformative recovery with equality and sustainability for the region’s countries.
Thirty-eighth Session of ECLAC's logo
20 October 2020 | Announcement
This UN regional commission’s most important biennial meeting will be carried out virtually for the first time in history.
photo of Alicia Bárcena and the participants in the webinar
14 October 2020 | Announcement
The regional organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, will present the document during a web seminar in which international officials and representatives of the legislative branch and of civil society in Latin America and the Caribbean will participate.
Banner Economic Survey 2020 ENG
1 October 2020 | Announcement
The organization’s main annual economic report will be unveiled during a virtual press conference by the Commission’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, on Tuesday, October 6.
Banner cover LEO 2020 report
21 September 2020 | Announcement
Thursday 24 September 2020, 16:00 CET (10:00 EST / NYT); 11:00 a.m. Chile time.
Banner of launch.
24 August 2020 | Announcement
The organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, will present the document at a virtual press conference on Wednesday, August 26, from the institution’s central headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
17 August 2020 | Announcement
The presentation will take place on Wednesday, August 19, at 10 a.m. local time in Panama (11 a.m. in Chile), during a webinar that will feature the participation of authorities from the region’s countries.
Banner Special Report COVID-19 No 6 trade and logistics
4 August 2020 | Announcement
The organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, will present on Thursday, August 6 a new Special Report COVID-19 that will include estimates regarding the pandemic’s impact on exports, imports and transportation in the region.
Banner ECLAC-PAHO report on health and the economy
27 July 2020 | Announcement
A new report will be launched virtually on Thursday, July 30, in a simultaneous press conference by ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, and the Director of PAHO, Carissa Etienne.