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Showing 4201 to 4220 of 4616 results in 231 pages.
4 January 2011 | Press Release
The three institutions committed to carrying out joint activities so that the region's companies are able to measure their environmental and social performance.
27 December 2010 | Press Release
Brazil has the largest number of beneficiaries, followed by Mexico and Colombia.
27 December 2010 | Press Release
Executive Secretary of ECLAC, Alicia Bárcena, moderated a special meeting held during the Summit held in Cancún, México.
22 December 2010 | Fact sheet
Fact sheet. Macroeconomics for development: from "financierism" to "productivism"
22 December 2010 | Fact sheet
Fact sheet: World economic crises, scarce economic resources and the concentration of wealth
22 December 2010 | Fact sheet
Fact sheet. The paradox of progressivity in countries with low levels of taxation: Income tax in Guatemala
22 December 2010 | Press Release
In Cancún, ECLAC presented a report on the potential economic costs of climate change in the region by the end of the century if global mitigation and adaptive actions are not taken.
22 December 2010 | Press Release
Academics and experts also write about topics including taxation in Guatemala and income distribution in Peru.
22 December 2010 | Press Release
Use of information and communications technologies generates productivity gains and development with equality
13 December 2010 | Press Release
Report presents the most recent economic growth estimates for the region's countries in 2010.
9 December 2010 | Press Release
"The United Nations Convention against Corruption has helped the public sector to make progress in deterring these crimes"
8 December 2010 | Press Release
The study, which will be launched in Cancún on 8 December, outlines the economic consequences of global warming measured in GDP percentages in different potential scenarios of higher temperatures.
7 December 2010 | Press Release
Document was presented at the 6th Ibero-American Business Meeting held in Argentina.
3 de December de 2010 | Speech
Por Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL
1 December 2010 | Fact sheet
Gráfico con la estimación correspondiente a 18 países de América Latina y el Caribe más Haití. Muestra cifras en porcentaje y número total de personas pobres (indigentes más pobres no indigentes).
1 December 2010 | Press Release
Thanks to the region's economic recovery, the number of poor people will fall to the same levels as in 2008 (180 million inhabitants).
29 November 2010 | Press Release
"Let the year ahead be the one in which we realize, finally, a just and lasting peace in the Middle East based on Security Council resolutions and previous agreements"
25 de November de 2010 | Fact sheet
Gráfico comparativo de la penetración de las tecnologías de information y las comunicaciones en 2005 y 2009, en porcentajes de la población.
25 November 2010 | Press Release
Authorities in Latin America and the Caribbean approved the eLAC2015 Plan that aims to promote the use of ICTs as a means of achieving more inclusive development