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20 January 2025 | News
The platform provides diverse social statistics at a subnational level, produced via the application of Small Area Estimation methods by the UN regional organization’s Statistics Division.
manos con texto de invitación
15 de January de 2025 | Briefing note
Súmese este 21 de enero al evento de presentación del libro de la CEPAL “Sistemas de pensiones no contributivos en América Latina y el Caribe: avanzar en solidaridad con sostenibilidad", a realizarse de manera conjunta con la Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social (CISS).
15 de January de 2025 | Briefing note
La CEPAL ha publicado un estudio de caso sobre las desigualdades de género en el sector minero del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, que identifica barreras estructurales y propone ejes estratégicos para promover la equidad de género.
10 January 2025 | Infographic
A Roadmap for Business and Community Growth This infographic outlines key strategies for sustainable business development and community empowerment. It highlights essential steps to enhance data collection, expand into niche markets, and reduce operational costs, while also addressing skills gaps and integrating sustainable practices. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of engaging with local communities, investing in infrastructure, and preparing comprehensive crisis management plans. These actions together form a blueprint for boosting business resilience and fostering community love. Background: This infographic was created from the study entitled Building post-pandemic economic resilience by diversifying tourism: the case of Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Saint Lucia. This study explores the pandemic's $7 billion impact on tourism in Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, and Saint Kitts and Nevis (2020–2022) and highlights recovery through niche markets like cultural heritage, wellness, and eco-tourism. Addressing challenges such as skills gaps and data scarcity, it recommends improved planning, stakeholder engagement, and investment in human capital to build a resilient, diversified tourism sector.
US Outlook Doc cover image
7 January 2025 | Briefing note
The U.S. economy expanded at a robust 3.1% annualized rate in the third quarter of 2024, well above the economy’s long-term growth potential.
6 January 2025 | Briefing note
Water management is a complex challenge that requires a collaborative approach, as it encompasses multiple dimensions and stakeholders, demanding a strong commitment to foster dialogue and cooperation. In this context, the Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Expert Group on Water Resources (LAC), established in 2022, serves as a platform for the exchange of ideas and innovative solutions that benefit the region. Through this platform, collaboration is encouraged in events, publications, and projects involving various stakeholders related to water issues in the region
Trade Doc cover image
3 January 2025 | Briefing note
United States Trade Developments 2024 provides an overview of selected developments in United States trade relations with Latin America and the Caribbean. Following the global focus on the climate crisis and the specific emphasis on President Biden’s trade policy on advancing a sustainable environment and climate path, the report includes a section on trade in circular economy goods.
3 de January de 2025 | Infographic
31 de December de 2024 | Briefing note
En las mesas de diálogo se abordó el potencial de integrar estrategias de innovación tecnológica, fortalecimiento institucional, incentivos y alianzas estratégicas para transitar hacia una economía circular en la minería del Perú.
31 de December de 2024 | Briefing note
Este espacio visibiliza el trabajo de la institución sobre el tema y facilita el acceso a información actualizada sobre las actividades y publicaciones
El Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL durante su participación en la COP16 de Cali
30 December 2024 | News
The organization’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, participated as a panelist, moderator or main speaker in multiple spaces at the global gathering held in Colombia in October.
Imagen portada documento y reunión CEPAL con Santiago del Estero
30 December 2024 | News
In conjunction with authorities and experts from government, academia, the private sector and civil society in the provinces of Santiago del Estero, Tucumán and Entre Ríos, the United Nations organization’s national office made headway on three technical studies that allow for expanding policy design and analysis capabilities on issues of relevance: the knowledge economy, productive development, and gender.
27 December 2024 | Briefing note
In Bogotá, ECLAC participated in a key workshop on resilient energy planning for Latin America and the Caribbean. Within the framework of the RELAC Initiative, public and private leaders debated strategies to address climate challenges and accelerate the transition to renewable energy sources. Conclusions and priorities were defined as a decisive step toward achieving the goal of 80% renewable energy in the regional electricity mix by 2030.
Image of cover
26 December 2024 | Briefing note
Latin America and the Caribbean's international bond issuances continue to rebound from the 2022 low levels.
26 de December de 2024 | Briefing note
¡Mira la grabación del seminario web!
Décimo Tercer Foro Internacional sobre Energía para el Desarrollo Sostenible
24 December 2024 | Briefing note
The Thirteenth International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development brought together global leaders and experts in Bangkok to address the challenges and opportunities of an inclusive energy transition. Over three days of intense discussions, key strategies were explored to expand access to renewable energy, promote gender equity, and strengthen regional cooperation. The event concluded with the signing of a United Nations Joint Statement, reaffirming the global commitment to building a sustainable and socially equitable energy future.
24 de December de 2024 | Briefing note
El Boletín “Minerales críticos para la transición energética y la electromovilidad: oportunidades para el desarrollo económico con desafíos socioambientales” ofrece una revisión de las oportunidades y los desafíos para América Latina en torno a la creciente demanda global de los minerales críticos requeridos para la transición energética y la electromovilidad, con el objetivo de promover el debate sobre el papel de los metales y minerales para un modelo de desarrollo más productivo, inclusivo y sostenible, alineado con la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible.
23 de December de 2024 | Briefing note
CEPAL y SECMCA, con apoyo de Euroclima, desarrollaron la primera función de daños climáticos para Centroamérica, Panamá y República Dominicana, fortaleciendo las capacidades para enfrentar los impactos económicos del cambio climático.
23 de December de 2024 | Briefing note
Representantes de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), la Cooperación Alemana, la Comisión Europea y expertos internacionales se reunieron en el evento "Raw Materials for a Just Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean" en Bruselas, Bélgica, para discutir estrategias de cooperación bi-regional que promuevan cadenas de valor inclusivas y sostenibles en minerales críticos, destacando las perspectivas y experiencias exitosas de colaboración facilitadas por la CEPAL entre América Latina y el Caribe y Europa en la transición energética global.
23 December 2024 | Briefing note
Since its inception, the ROSA Project (Regional Network and Observatory for Water Sustainability) has been tasked with addressing the so-called "water and sanitation crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean." One of its main strategies has been to contribute to accelerating the achievement of SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). However, the region generally lacks reliable statistics and information on water management, governance, and environmental aspects. Additionally, there is fragmentation of existing information across various national institutions, as well as unequal capacities among countries to report on sustainable water resource management indicators. Consequently, the main objective of the ROSA Project has been to strengthen the capacities of countries in the region to generate and use timely, reliable, and standardized information to promote effective policies and instruments for sustainable water management in a changing environment amid the challenges of climate change.
