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Image of Carmelo Soria and the plaque in his memory.
22 August 2023 | News
The Spanish economist and diplomat, who was an official of the United Nations regional organization, was kidnapped, tortured and later killed by the dictatorship’s agents in July 1976.
18 de August de 2023 | Speech
Palabras de bienvenida del Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs.
18 August 2023 | Press Release
The Professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs and former Executive Secretary of ECLAC gave a keynote lecture today organized in the framework of the commission’s 75th anniversary commemorations.
Portada del documento.
18 de August de 2023 | News
El número 116 de las Notas de Población da continuidad al homenaje a Carmen Miró, principal exponente de la demografía crítica latinoamericana, y fundadora y primera directora de la publicación.
Imagen de un puerto con contenedores
17 de August de 2023 | Announcement
Reunión se efectuará en la sede del organismo en Santiago de Chile del 22 al 25 de agosto, organizada conjuntamente por la comisión regional de las Naciones Unidas, el SELA y CAF-Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina.
Kim Hak Jae, Embajador de la República de Corea en Chile, y José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Secretari
17 de August de 2023 | News
El nuevo Embajador del país en Chile, Kim Hak Jae, fue recibido por el Secretario Ejecutivo de la comisión regional de las Naciones Unidas, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs.
11 August 2023 | Press Release
The first Latin American AI Index was launched at ECLAC’s headquarters, at an event led by the organization’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, the Chilean Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, Aisén Etcheverry, and representatives of international organizations, the private sector and academia.
Photo of Director Diane Quarless speaking in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines at a meeting of Caribb
10 August 2023 | News
Sub-Regional Director for the Caribbean of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Diane Quarless says Caribbean SIDS (Small Island Developing States) must stop working in silos to tackle development challenges and unlock the full potential of the region.   Director Quarless was speaking in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines at a meeting of Caribbean SIDS, where representatives from 16 countries are assessing progress on sustainable development and planning for the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States in 2024. 
10 August 2023 | Press Release
The swearing-in ceremony and first meeting of the Committee elected during the first regional environmental treaty’s COP 2 took place at ECLAC’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
Banner of keynote lecture
7 August 2023 | Announcement
The United Nations regional organization’s former Executive Secretary will deliver a keynote lecture on Friday, August 18 in Santiago, Chile, in the framework of the lecture series created for the institution’s 75th anniversary.
foto temática
4 August 2023 | Announcement
Authorities and specialists will participate on August 11 in the launch event that will be held at the United Nations regional organization’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
Banner First Meeting Escazú Agreement Committee
4 August 2023 | Announcement
This meeting – at which the committee members elected during the regional treaty’s COP 2 will formally assume their functions – will be held in Santiago, Chile on August 10.
Infographic on Lecture series.
2 August 2023 | Announcement
We have the honour to invite you to the series of lectures by distinguished scholars to be held in 2023 and 2024 as part of the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of ECLAC.
1 August 2023 | Infographic
We have the honour to invite you to the series of lectures by distinguished scholars to be held in 2023 and 2024 as part of the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of ECLAC.
Foto del Ministro de Energía de Chile en una pantalla
1 de August de 2023 | News
Comisión regional de las Naciones Unidas albergó evento de lanzamiento del “Plan de Descarbonización de Chile” en su sede central de Santiago.
27 July 2023 | Press Release
Treasury, Economy and Finance ministers and high-level officials gathered in Colombia at the First Summit for an Inclusive, Sustainable and Equitable Global Tax Order signed a joint declaration in which they support this new forum for dialogue and exchange, for which ECLAC will act as technical secretariat.
Banner Tax Summit Colombia English
26 July 2023 | Announcement
The United Nations’ Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean will serve as technical secretariat of the platform that will be launched in Colombia and seeks to coordinate joint action between the region’s countries on tax matters.
24 July 2023 | Press Release
The Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain kicked off today a series of Keynote Lectures organized in the framework of ECLAC’s 75th anniversary commemorations.
19 de July de 2023 | Infographic
Guatemala y Honduras se encuentran entre los países de América Latina y el Caribe con mayor nivel de pobreza, con menor proporción de población con dependencia de combustibles y tecnologías limpios y mayor uso de leña. Las estimaciones y estadísticas disponibles muestran que buena parte de la población, particularmente la de zonas rurales, utiliza leña como principal combustible para cocinar. Aunque hay avances en cuanto a la cobertura eléctrica, existe un subconsumo de electricidad, pues a nivel residencial la fuente de energía más utilizada es la leña.
19 de July de 2023 | Infographic
La cadena productiva del café en El Salvador y en Guatemala muestra que ambos países en desarrollo concentran sus estrategias productivas en el eslabón de la producción, el cual genera y se apropia de la menor cantidad de valor. Pese a la experiencia en la producción de café, la participación de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (MIPyMES) tiene una menor apropiación del valor en comparación con empresas transnacionales y países importadores y consumidores en aquellos