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Showing 261 to 280 of 4624 results in 232 pages.
14 November 2023 | Press Release
In the framework of the Fifth Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Population and Development, countries commemorated the tenth anniversary of the region’s most important intergovernmental agreement in this area.
9 November 2023 | Press Release
Authorities concluded today the Nineteenth Meeting of the Regional Council for Planning of ILPES.
Banner Adela Cortina's Keynote Lecture
9 November 2023 | Announcement
The Spanish philosopher will make a presentation on Tuesday, November 14 as part of the activities commemorating the United Nations regional organization’s 75th anniversary.
8 de November de 2023 | Press Release
En México el sector servicios contribuye al 58,2% del PIB y al 43,4% de los empleos. Expertos de Latinoamérica discuten en XII Conferencia REDLAS cómo digitalizar y aprovechar al sector de mayor crecimiento en el mundo.
7 November 2023 | Press Release
Authorities inaugurated the Nineteenth Meeting of the Regional Council for Planning today.
7 November 2023 | Press Release
In the framework of his official visit to Chile, the Paraguayan leader gave a keynote lecture at the United Nations regional organization’s headquarters in Santiago.
7 de November de 2023 | Speech
Palabras de bienvenida de José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL.
6 de November de 2023 | Speech
Intervención Jose Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL.
Photo showing high level government officials at the 21st MonCom in the Radisson Hotel.
3 November 2023 | News
There is need for greater collaboration among countries and subregional multilateral agencies to promote and articulate clear positions on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Caribbean. This, especially in the lead-up to the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States to be held in Antigua and Barbuda in 2024. Particular attention must also be given to the challenges implementing sustainable development in the Caribbean, with the suggestion for stronger institutions to collaborate and overcome the challenges in the region.
3 de November de 2023 | Infographic
El valor de las exportaciones de bienes de América Latina y el Caribe caerá 2% en 2023, en un contexto de gran debilidad del comercio mundial, indicó la CEPAL al presentar un nuevo informe anual sobre el comportamiento del comercio exterior de la región. El informe Perspectivas del Comercio Internacional de América Latina y el Caribe, 2023. Cambios estructurales y tendencias en el comercio mundial y regional: retos y oportunidades, fue dado a conocer el jueves 2 de noviembre de 2023 en una conferencia de prensa encabezada por el Secretario Ejecutivo del organismo de las Naciones Unidas, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs.
Photo showing attendees at the MonCom Seminar 2023
2 November 2023 | News
Speaking at a development Seminar, part of ECLAC Caribbean’s meeting of the Monitoring Committee, the Chair of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC), and Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation of Suriname Albert Ramdin urged countries of the Caribbean to leverage their vast human resources to develop knowledge economies.
banner que anuncia conferencia magistral del Presidente Santiago Peña
2 November 2023 | Announcement
The Head of State will be received on Tuesday, November 7 by the United Nations regional organization’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs.
2 November 2023 | Press Release
ECLAC presented its flagship annual report on the region’s international trade outlook, in which it urges countries to implement productive development policies to diversify their export basket and make it more sophisticated, including by attracting FDI in strategic sectors.
31 October 2023 | Op-ed
By José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Executive Secretary of ECLAC.
30 October 2023 | Press Release
The prominent economist and former Vice President of Costa Rica, delivered the seventeenth Raúl Prebisch Lecture at ECLAC.
Banner International Trade Outlook 2023
27 October 2023 | Announcement
The United Nations regional organization’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, will lead a press conference to unveil the report on Thursday, November 2 in Santiago, Chile.
Foto del Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL en la testera con otras dos personas
26 October 2023 | News
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, participated in the “Dialogues on Uruguay’s Future,” where he stressed the need to escalate productive development policies and focus efforts on dynamic sectors to increase growth in the region’s countries and make it more sustainable and inclusive.
26 de October de 2023 | Speech
Palabras de Apertura del Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs.
25 October 2023 | Press Release
The prominent Trinidadian economist and politician was the fifth presenter to participate in the Keynote Lecture Series organized to commemorate the United Nations regional organization’s 75th anniversary.
22 de October de 2023 | Infographic
Conoce todas las sesiones en las que la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) impulsará durante la Semana del Clima de América Latina y el Caribe 2023 (LACCW 2023), evento crucial que se llevará a cabo en la Ciudad de Panamá del 23 al 27 de octubre de 2023.