Briefing note
1. Election of officers.
2. Adoption of the agenda and organization of the work of the thirty-fifth session.
3. Report on the activities carried out by the Commission since its thirty-fourth session.
4. Report on the activities of the subsidiary bodies of ECLAC, 2012-2013, and the outcomes of other intergovernmental meetings which report at the session.
5. Draft programme of work of the ECLAC system, 2016-2017.
6. Proposed calendar of conferences of ECLAC for the period 2015-2016.
7. Committee on South-South Cooperation.
8. Challenges of regional integration.
9. Presentation of the document prepared by the secretariat, entitled Covenants for Equality: Towards a Sustainable Future.
10. High-level seminar Covenants for equality: towards a sustainable future.
11. High-level dialogue.
12. Consideration of the request of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for admission of Sint Maarten as an associate member of ECLAC.
13. Other matters.
14. Consideration and adoption of the resolutions of the Commission at its thirty-fifth session.
Provisional Agenda
Annotated Provisional Agenda And Organization
Organization of work
General Information