13 November 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Within the framework of ECLAC's project, and counting on its sponsorship, the Costa Rican System of Development Banks (SBD) organized a seminar to promote financial inclusion with a focus on innovative development bank policies.
The Seminar was used as a space for presenting the results of ECLAC’s...
18 October 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
11 October 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
3 October 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
29 September 2017 | Other events
The purpose of this study tour is to provide officials and policy makers from Latin America the opportunity to learn first-hand how two important Thai national development banks, the SME bank and the Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC), are enhancing the access of small and...
18 September 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
16 August 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
ECLAC and the Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions (ALIDE) are co-organizing a seminar to promote financial inclusion of SMEs through development bank financial innovation policies.
25 July 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
7 April 2017 | Other events
Conferencia magistral a cargo de Alicia Bárcena
7 April 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
6 April 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
This seminar counts on the participation of development banks, public institutions, academics and experts in the field of financial inclusion from seven Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru).
23 March 2017 | Meetings and technical symposiums
El XXIX Seminario Regional de Política Fiscal es organizado por la Secretaría Ejecutiva de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), a través de la División de Desarrollo Económico, con el apoyo del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID...
20 January 2017 | Other events
Generar un espacio de conversación abierto que permita relevar los elementos centrales a ser considerados en los sistemas de protección social a fin de garantizar acceso efectivo a derechos (salud, educación, trabajo, justicia y vida familiar) y a condiciones de trabajo decente para todas las...
10 November 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
3 November 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
25 October 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) organized a technical workshop with the aim to promote financial inclusion through development bank financial innovation policies. The workshop is part of ECLAC’s "Financial Inclusion of SMEs and Development Bank Financial...
21 October 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
19 October 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
En el seminario se presentaron y se discutieron los resultados de los estudios elaborados en el marco de este proyecto, con el fin de contribuir al debate para perfeccionar los mecanismos de protección frente al desempleo y los sistemas nacionales de formación profesional y capacitación en un...
6 October 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) organized a technical workshop with the aim to promote financial inclusion through development bank financial innovation policies. The workshop is part of ECLAC’s "Financial Inclusion of SMEs and Development Bank Financial...
5 October 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Los días 5 y 6 de Octubre se realizaron en las instalaciones de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España, las V Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Financiación Local (V-JIFL).