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Showing 1 to 20 of 188 results in 10 pages.
4 December 2024 | Presiding officers
The Sixty-sixth meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean will take place from 4th to 5th December 2024, in ECLAC Headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
25 November 2024 | Meetings and technical symposiums
ECLAC Caribbean will be hosting a series of capacity building workshops, meant to build entrepreneurship skills among target groups in each country. The workshops should provide tools necessary to enhance entrepreneurship and related business activities, with priority given to women.
13 November 2024 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The overall objective of this technical assistance is to improve the technical capacity of staff and management of the Department of Gender Affairs, the Department of Statistics, and other Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the Government of Turks and Caicos Islands to collect, analyze,...
17 September 2024 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The overall objective of this technical assistance is to improve the technical capacity of staff and management of the Department of Gender Affairs, the Department of Statistics, and other Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the Government of Turks and Caicos Islands to collect, analyze,...
15 July 2024 | Meetings and technical symposiums
ECLAC Caribbean will be hosting a series of capacity building workshops, meant to build entrepreneurship skills among target groups in each country. The workshops should provide tools necessary to enhance entrepreneurship and related business activities, with priority given to women.
8 July 2024 | Meetings and technical symposiums
ECLAC Caribbean will be hosting a series of capacity building workshops, meant to build entrepreneurship skills among target groups in each country. The workshops should provide tools necessary to enhance entrepreneurship and related business activities, with priority given to women.
22 May 2024 | Other events
Evento que se realizará en el marco de la VII Conferencia Regional de Cooperación Trilateral con América Latina y el Caribe 2024: “Superando obstáculos, construyendo puentes”, Brasil.
15 April 2024 | Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development
The seventh meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development will be held in Santiago, from 15 to 18 April 2024.
28 February 2024 | Other events
The briefing on the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 68) was held virtually on February 28, 2024, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Chilean time, GMT -3), with the purpose of to share progress and information on the region to support the participation of governments in the...
7 December 2023 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Webinar coorganizado por CEPAL, UNFPA, UNICEF y ONU Mujeres
11 October 2023 | Presiding officers
The 65th Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean was held in hybrid format on 11 and 12 October 2023, at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) headquarters in Santiago, Chile
25 September 2023 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The twenty-first International Meeting of Information Specialists on Time Use and Unpaid Work will be held in Santiago, on September 25, 2023. Discussions will focus on the importance of time use measurements for the formulation and monitoring of policies to move towards the Care Society.
27 June 2023 | Other events
El evento presentó la publicación desarrollada en el marco del convenio de colaboración entre la CEPAL y la Fundación Ford. El documento analiza la inclusión laboral en el contexto del futuro del trabajo de mujeres, jóvenes, afrodescendientes y Pueblos Indígenas, quienes enfrentan barreras para...
8 June 2023 | Other events
Diálogo co-organizado por la Fundación EU-LAC, el Instituto Nacional de Mujeres de México (INMUJERES), ONU Mujeres y la CEPAL en el marco de la serie de Diálogos Interregionales de la Red Internacional de Mujeres EU-LAC “Los cuidados en el centro de nuevos modelos de desarrollo: desafíos y...
30 May 2023 | Other events
Evento híbrido organizado por la Comisión Económica de América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) y la Fundación Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) en ocasión de la Primera Reunión de la Conferencia Regional sobre Cooperación Sur-Sur de América Latina y el Caribe. El evento reunió a autoridades de Gobierno,...
25 April 2023 | Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development
13 April 2023 | Other events
Diálogo co-organizado por la Fundación EU-LAC, el Instituto Nacional de Mujeres de México (INMUJERES), ONU Mujeres y la CEPAL en el marco de la serie de Diálogos Interregionales de la Red Internacional de Mujeres EU-LAC “Los cuidados en el centro de nuevos modelos de desarrollo: desafíos y...
17 March 2023 | Meetings of the United Nations system
Side event organized by the Government of Argentina in collaboration with UN Women and ECLAC within the framework of the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67).
