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Showing 381 to 400 of 447 results in 23 pages.
25 October 2016 | Conferences and meetings of subsidiary bodies
Uruguay will host the Thirteenth Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean. The event will connect Government representatives of the region, civil society and United Nations agencies from 25 to 28 October 2016 in Montevideo, according to an agreement signed by the Uruguayan...
26 September 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
El seminario es organizado por la CEPAL, con el apoyo técnico y financiero del Ministerio Federal de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo de Alemania (BMZ) y de la Agencia Alemana de Cooperación Internacional (GIZ).
11 August 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Part of the Governance Week for Natural Resources and Infrastructure
20 June 2016 | Other events
Representantes de alto nivel de varios países de América Latina visitarán Alemania del 20 al 24 de junio durante una gira técnica sobre  energías sostenibles y eficiencia energética para una transición energética.
14 June 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
This seminar is held within the framework of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Executive Committee.
23 May 2016 | Sessions of the Commission
The session is the most important event of each biennium for ECLAC. It provides a forum for the consideration of issues of importance for the economic and social development of the countries of the region and an opportunity to review the progress of the Commission’s activities and oversee its work.
18 May 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The International seminar Sustainable Development Goals and Building Futures for Latin America and the Caribbean will be held on the upcoming 18th and 19th of May in the mornings at the ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, Chile. The seminar proposes the creation of a space where to reflect on the...
18 May 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
28 April 2016 | Committee of the Whole