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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results in 1 pages.
30 November 2021 | Meetings and technical symposiums
El objetivo de la reunión es analizar la interacción de la enfermedad por COVID-19 con el perfil epidemiológico y la protección social en salud, desde el punto de vista de los derechos humanos y del desarrollo sostenible.
18 November 2021 | Intergovernmental meetings
Within the framework of the Fifth Intergovernmental Conference on Aging and the Rights of Older Persons to be held in 2022, this preparatory meeting is organized, which aims to present a preliminary content proposal for the preparation of the regional report, report on progress and experiences in...
5 November 2021 | Meetings and technical symposiums
El seminario es organizado por el Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES) de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) en conjunto con la Red Académica de Gobierno Abierto Regional (RAGA) y el Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (...
13 October 2021 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Education is a fundamental human right, at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and key to achieving a comprehensive social and labour inclusion of the population, while also contributing to economic growth, equality, and civic participation in society. Research has shown that...
13 October 2021 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Education is a fundamental human right, at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and key to achieving a comprehensive social and labour inclusion of the population, while also contributing to economic growth, equality, and civic participation in society. Research has shown that...
1 October 2021 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Organizado por la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) en México y el Gobierno de Costa, con el objetivo de que las personas participantes conozcan los aspectos conceptuales básicos y estandarización normativa de los derechos humanos de las personas mayores para identificarlos...
29 April 2021 | Meetings and technical symposiums
More than 3000 people from different social, economic, and environmental sectors in the region registered for the virtual event co-organized by ECLAC, UNESCO IHP, CONAGUA and the Federal Government of Germany, to exchange information on how to speed up the completion of SDG 6.