Fourth meeting of the Statistical Coordination Group for the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean
10 November 2021|Event
The Fourth Meeting of the Statistical Coordination Group of the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean, took place under a format virtual on November 10, 2021 and had the objective of to exchange information regarding the activities that are being carried out within the scope of the Coordination Group, as well as providing a space to learn about some of the activities of the countries and the United Nations system at the global level related to the monitoring and reporting of the Sustainable Development Goals indicators.
Topics discussed included:
- Information on the ongoing activities of the Secretariat, the Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators, the High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Funds, Programmes and Specialized Agencies of the United Nations and some countries of the Group;
- Features and functioning of the new online information system for building national capacities for the production of SDG indicators;
- New reports and progress in the process of updating information on support activities for the production and monitoring of SDG indicators and statistical operations aimed at improving national statistical capacities, implemented in the region by the United Nations system, and;
- A new collaborative platform as a mechanism to share knowledge and incorporate the countries of the region in strategic issues discussed at the meetings of the IAEG-SDGs and the HLG-PCCB.
10 Nov 2021
Session 1: Information on ongoing activities regarding the monitoring and follow-up of the 2030 Agenda
11:00 to 12:25▪ Opening Remarks by Rolando Ocampo, Director of Statistics Division of ECLAC.
▪ Presentation of participants.
- Actividades CEPAL / ECLAC activitiesDANE de ColombiaActividades IAEG-SDGs / IAEG-SDGs activitiesINDEC de ArgentinaActividades HLG-PCCB / HLG-PCCB activitiesActividades regionales de Agencias, Fondos y Programas de la ONU, UNFPA, UNICEF y ONU Mujeres / Regional activities of UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes, UNFPA, UNICEF and UN Women▪ UNFPA▪ ONU Mujeres / UN WomenONEI de CubaExperiencias en materia de medición de los ODS, en el marco de la presentación del Informe Nacional Voluntario 2021
Session 2: Strengthening of national SDG statistical capacities in the region
12:35 to 13:30- CEPAL / ECLACNuevos reportes sobre las actividades de apoyo a la producción y monitoreo de los indicadores ODS y los operativos estadísticos en los países llevadas a cabo por el sistema de Naciones Unidas / New reports on the cooperation activities conducted by the UNCEPAL / ECLACCuestionario en línea de capacidades nacionales ODS / Online SDG national capacities questionnaire
Session 3: Online collaborative workspace to improve the communication between the countries representing the global groups and the rest of the countries of the region
15:00 to 17:00- CEPAL / ECLACIntroducción a la plataforma / Introduction to the sitePresentación de contenidos, funcionalidades y gobernanza de la plataforma / Contents, main functionalities, and governance of the site» Discusión abierta / Open discussionINE de ChileInclusión de actividades regionales ODS en el marco de la Red de Transmisión del Conocimiento (RTC) de la CEA-CEPAL / Inclusion of regional SDG activities within the framework of the Knowledge Transfer Network of the SCA-ECLACCEPAL / ECLAC» Acuerdos y cierre de la reunión / Agreements and closing of the meeting