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Showing 1 to 20 of 45 results in 3 pages.
7 May 2024 | Workshop
Los talleres estarán enfocados en el procesamiento, análisis y mapeo de indicadores a partir de los censos de población y vivienda utilizando Redatam y QGis, ambos softwares freeware, con la finalidad de aprender sus funcionalidades y explorar las potencialidades que ofrecen los censos en la...
16 April 2024 | Workshop
CELADE-División de Población de CEPAL abre las inscripciones para los talleres de Redatam que se llevarán a cabo en modalidad virtual en dos fechas. Taller 1: 16 al 23 de abril de 2024 y Taller 2: del 7 al 14 de mayo de 2024, utilizando la plataforma virtual MS Teams. Los talleres estarán enfocados...
3 May 2023 | Workshop
Este taller se llevará a cabo durante 6 días en módulos de 3 horas diarias utilizando la plataforma virtual Teams. Estará enfocado en el procesamiento, análisis y mapeo de indicadores a partir de los censos de población y vivienda utilizando Redatam y QGis, ambos softwares freeware, con la...
10 May 2022 | Workshop
Classes will be taught by modules of three hours daily, for six days, and will be streamed using the Teams platform. They will focus on the processing, analysis and mapping of indicators from population and housing censuses using Redatam and QGis with the goal of learning their functionalities. We...
28 September 2021 | Workshop
Este segundo taller, al igual que el anterior, se llevará a cabo durante 6 días en módulos de 3 horas diarias con clases virtuales que se realizarán utilizando la plataforma Microsoft Teams. El taller estará enfocado en el procesamiento de las bases de microdatos de los censos de población y...
4 May 2021 | Workshop
Classes will be taught by modules of a maximum of three hours per day, for six days, and will be live. It will focus on the use of Redatam to process census information to learn the functionality of the software and explore the potentialities offered by the censuses to obtain specific SDG and...
7 December 2020 | Course
Curso introductorio sobre el uso de los censos a través de la plataforma Redatam Webserver para la generación de indicadores de seguimiento de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible dictado durante el congreso ALAP 2020.
5 May 2020 | Workshop
Debido a la contingencia sanitaria que enfrentamos hoy en nuestra región hemos cambiado la modalidad de enseñanza tradicional a una completamente virtual, la cual implica cambios en la metodología de enseñanza. Es así como se definió este curso de 7 días, con tres horas diarias en un horario que...
19 August 2019 | Workshop
This course is part of the technical assistance and teaching activities that CELADE-Population Division of ECLAC provides to national and international institutions of the region for the use and dissemination of statistics and socio-demographic information from each country.
8 April 2019 | Workshop
This course will deepen for a week on the definition of socio-demographic indicators and its statistical processing using the Redatam7 Process module.
8 April 2019 | Workshop
This course will deepen for a week on the definition of socio-demographic indicators and its statistical processing using the Redatam7 Process module.
7 May 2018 | Workshop
This course will deepen for a week on the definition of socio-demographic indicators and its statistical processing using the Redatam7 Process module.
21 August 2017 | Workshop
The objective of the workshop is to train participants in the creation of Redatam databases and the development of data dissemination Redatam web applications so that they can later incorporate what is learned in their respective countries and offices.
24 April 2017 | Workshop
This course will deepen for a week on the definition of socio-demographic indicators and its statistical processing using the Redatam7 Process module.
24 August 2016 | Course
El curso está dirigido a profesionales con título o grado universitarios, preferentemente vinculados a los organismos productores de estadísticas y análisis censal de los países de América Latina y el Caribe.
1 August 2016 | Course
The objective of the workshop is to train participants in the creation of Redatam databases and the development of data dissemination web applications so that they can later incorporate what was learned in their respective countries and offices.
25 April 2016 | Workshop
This course will deepen for a week on the definition of socio-demographic indicators and its statistical processing using the Redatam7 Process module.
4 April 2016 | Course
Thirteen experts from the national statistics office of Jamaica will participate plus two representatives from the Cayman Islands and two other representatives from St. Kitts and Nevis.
