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3 octubre 2023 | Infografía
Between 1990 and 2020, Guatemala achieved progress in the fight against poverty and inequality; however, there are still important structural, wide and persistent gaps in various social, economic and territorial areas. In addition, the recent pandemic generated by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19) and its variants caused one of the deepest economic declines in the past 100 years, generating greater poverty and inequality.
3 octubre 2023 | Infografía
This paper focuses on an analysis of sustainability gaps in the tourism clusters of Puerto Plata and Colonial City in the Dominican Republic, based on the idea that tourism is an economic sector with great potential to contribute to the development of a territory, provided that it is based on sustainability
3 octubre 2023 | Infografía
Despite efforts, large gaps in access to the effective enjoyment of the right to education persist in Guatemala, particularly for rural populations and Indigenous peoples. The unprecedented educational crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has increased gaps, school dropout rates, learning losses, illiteracy and the slowdown in average schooling levels
3 octubre 2023 | Infografía
Based on this conceptual framework, gaps corresponding to inequalities are identified, either between countries (horizontal) or between social groups or areas in each country (vertical), based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico.
3 octubre 2023 | Infografía
Aanalysis of socioeconomic inequality that involves studying the distances in access to income between the various social strata based on household income in Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala, but adjusting income to the National Accounts in each country.
3 octubre 2023 | Infografía
Between 1990 and 2019, the Dominican Republic showed progress in the fight against poverty and inequality. However, its current levels are high when compared to countries of similar development in Latin America and the Caribbean and in the world. As a result, there are still important structural gaps, defined as the different expressions of inequality, which are wide and persistent, in different areas and among different groups of people, and this hinders development.
3 octubre 2023 | Infografía
Understanding demographic change in Central America, Mexico and the Hispanic Caribbean, with emphasis on aging, is fundamental for social protection systems. The importance of addressing social protection gaps lies in their manifestation in terms of insufficient coverage, inadequate benefits or lack of accessibility, which prevents progress towards universal protection for all.
3 octubre 2023 | Infografía
Guatemala and Honduras are among the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean with the highest levels of poverty, with the lowest proportion of the population dependent on clean fuels and technologies, and the highest use of firewood. Available estimates and statistics show that a large part of the population, particularly in rural areas, uses firewood as the main cooking fuel. Although there is progress in terms of electricity coverage, there is an nderconsumption of electricity, since the most used energy source at the residential level is firewood.
19 julio 2023 | Infografía
The technical cooperation project "New narratives for rural transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean" is implemented by the Subregional Headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Mexico, with financial support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The IFAD-ECLAC project analyzes the "new rurality" and studies structural gaps to reduce rural poverty and inequality and to promote structural transformation in the region's middle-income countries. This infographic is based on the book Inequality in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean: gap analysis and recommendations
18 julio 2023 | Infografía
In Latin America and the Caribbean, rural spaces have undergone diverse transformations and mutations over the last decades. In the economic realm, the share of added value and employment generated by agriculture within rural economic activities is generally lower; this is the result of the growing presence of services, such as agritourism, and processing activities. This infographic is based on the book New narratives for Rural Transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean: a renewed measurement and classification of rural spaces
15 marzo 2023 | Infografía
ECLAC’s subregional headquarters in Mexico has positioned itself as a BENCHMARK OF SPECIALIZED AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE on economic and social issues, energy, trade, agriculture and climate change, not only through applied research but by ASSISTING GOVERNMENTS and integration bodies.
30 septiembre 2020 | Infografía
The proposal for development and integration in Central America put forward by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) on the basis of its considerable prior experience, is set out and updated in these infographics. The proposal emphasizes the need for a progressive structural change driven across various fronts: the social sector, energy, climate change challenges, infrastructure, fiscal coordination, trade, productive integration and innovation. It focuses on the importance of an environmental big push for equality and sustainability, supported by coordinated public policies capable of decoupling development from environmental externalities and improving the quality of life of the population.
6 mayo 2019 | Infografía
La CEPAL analizó los desafíos que enfrentan los países de America Central para la implementación de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, con enfoque en los marcos legales, planificación, instrumentos, políticas publicas, instituciones y disponibilidad de recursos. La metodologia utilizada busca articular los contenidos de planificación de los paises en relación a la los objetivos y metas de la Agenda 2030, identificando los vinculos y nodos criticos. Esta metodología fue aplicada por el gobierno de Guatemala al identificar las 10 prioridades nacionales y 16 objetivos estrategicos para el desarrollo del pais
7 junio 2017 | Infografía
7 de junio de 2017 | Infografía
26 de abril de 2017 | Infografía
La Agenda 2030 y sus Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), aprobados en 2015, reflejan un consenso en torno a la necesidad de la cooperación internacional para corregir asimetrías y sentar las bases de un sistema internacional abierto y estable. El cumplimiento de la Agenda requiere conciliar las políticas a favor del empleo y la igualdad en cada país con las restricciones que un sistema mundial abierto impone a las decisiones nacionales.
16 de noviembre de 2015 | Infografía
El femicidio es la expresión más dramática de la violencia contra las mujeres. Según datos oficiales recopilados por el Observatorio de Igualdad de Género de América Latina y el Caribe de la CEPAL, 1.903 mujeres fueron asesinadas por su condición de tal en 15 países de América Latina y tres del Caribe en 2014.
11 de noviembre de 2015 | Infografía
La violencia contra las mujeres en América Latina y el Caribe debe ser enfrentada integralmente por los Estados, considerando los factores de desigualdad económica, social y cultural que operan en la sociedad y en las relaciones de poder entre hombres y mujeres.